Mann it's the second week of finals and all I gotta say is God is good! I don't know how I'm doing on the finals (in fact i'm pretty sure i'm doing really poorly) but despite all that I just feel this inexplainable and slightly illogical peace with everything. The other day I was standing outside the library stressing when this dude from my class comes up and asked if he could pray for me! How awesome is that?! Little things like that just keep reassuring me that God is looking out for me, that He holds my future in His hands, and I got nothing to worry about. I just need to learn to be faithful with the opportunities He's given me and seek every opportunity to bring glory to Him.
This past Friday at CLF, Melissa's friend Harrie (or however you spell it) came and shared to the youth about the importance of knowing God for yourself. Afterwards, she stressed this to the counselors, telling us that if we can't expect to shove fire and passion for God down the youths' throats if we're not displaying it ourselves. Fire is contagious, but it needs to start with us. Will spoke on a similar topic this past Sunday, and he asked us to pray that his fire would be reignited so that it could be passed to us, so definitely keep him in your prayers. At the same time, we shouldn't wait for him to get reignited in order to get our fire started. We need to be praying for ourselves and for each other that the passion will burn and catch on, and that has to start with a daily walk and personal relationship with Jesus. That means keeping up with devotions, not just to cross it off your list but actually enjoying your time with the Lord. That means coming on Sundays EXPECTING to pray. That means sitting with the youth and encouraging them to express their praises to our Lord. That means getting off our spiritual butts! Man I wish I wasn't leaving for the summer because I know God's going to be doing some amazing work in the English Ministry this summer and I wish I were going to be here to see it. Nevertheless I can't wait to hear the praise reports from across the Pacific about how the Spirit is leading and guiding this group. But it has to start with us!
Lastly, Will asked us in the sermon what our purpose in life was; what is the one thing you are living for that you are also willing to die for? I gotta be honest, when I first decided to attend law school my purpose was so that I could use the law to help people and bring glory to God. But in just the one year I've been in here, my focus as all been on getting job interviews, getting a job at a firm, getting good work experience, yadda yadda. I used to dream about having my own practice and being able to help those who needed it most (like Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird, and get paid in a sack of potatoes or something), but recently all my dreams are about what area I want to practice, and where I'm going to work after law school, and in how many years do I want to make partner and pay off my loans. Somewhere along the line, this blessing from God of getting into law school and using it as a vehicle to serve Him as become so discombobulated that now it's all about me and my glory and my future and aspirations. God wants us to have plans and goals, but ultimately He needs to be the center of what we do, not ourselves. Please pray for me that God will realign my will with His and I would submit to His more perfect plan for my life. Thanks :)
Amen! thanks for this inspirational post mr. lawyer yu.