Monday, December 9, 2013

SVCA Thomas Announcement 12/9/13

16 days until CHRISTMAS!! :) Hope everyone is excited and if we pressure her enough, maybe Jocelyn will make us some of her baked goodies!

Hollering at Mrs. Virginia "Mochi mama"  Ng & Jocelyn "jojo" Chen. Happy Birthday! We jump for joy because you guys are in our lives. No need to mask who you are, because we love you for you.

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12/12/13 - Small Group. Pastor Nancy, David, Johnny and Hao will be leading us in a review of Peter. Please bring your sermon notes for review. Josh will be leading us in worship. Melissa and Jaclyn will be cleaning. Free dinner starts at 7 PM, Bible Study starts at 8 PM. Like always, please be accountable to our group and excuse yourself if you cannot attend! :) Gracious.

12/15/13- English Service begins at 9:30 AM in the El Shaddai room. Come quiet your hearts in prayer at 9:15 AM.

12/21/13 - SAVE THE DATE for our Thomas Christmas Outreach.Jesus is the reason for the season! Share the good news of Jesus with your friends at our gospel meeting led by our very own Kevin Tung. Our group never plans anything in advanced so YOU KNOW this will be good! This is so special that it deserves a separate email. Look out for the details and info later this week.

12/27/13 - SAVE THE DATE NUMERO DOS. Thomas Christmas party will be on this Friday, in place of Thursday small group. Still working out the details, but if you're in town, reserve the date for potluck, games, Christmas karaoke, White Elephant etc. This deserves it's own separate email too so look out for that!

12/31/13 - Annual Year-End ThanksgivingPrayer and Unlimited Hot Pot. Yes, that's right you read it right. Prayer. :)

1/3/14 - 1/4/14 - SVCA New Years Conference; Equip the Saints for Work of Ministry. Start signing up for the conference next Sunday. prayer + transformation = a good new years!

December is the Month of Praise.
I had a blessed time reading last month's Thanksgiving verses. Let the blessings continue into December by learning how to PRAISE God, through the good and the bad. Brother Chi-cheng will be blogging (our church is so high tech! My mom doesn't even know how to use a webcam) all the verses for December aqui.

For away-ers
If you were not here this past Sunday... 1) We missed you 2) Please send Arthur gege ( your address so we can send some love your way :D 

Just a reminder that we have a Blog dedicated to Thomas group that is "updated" (and I use that term quite loosely) by our at home Thomas.  This blog was started with the hope of encouraging each other bymarking down our major milestones God is taking us through at the present time. If you would like to post and share what God is doing in your life, just let me know and I'll add you on as a contributor.

Need prayer? Send them our way!
Please please please, let us pray for you!! You can reply back to our weekly Thomas announcements and our home team is committed to praying for you during our weekly Bible Study on Thursdays and during our Newman Disciple group on Sundays. Give us a chance to bless you this week! :D

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thomas Announcements 12/2/2013

Welcome to DECEMBER!!

I feel like it was just yesterday when I was writing about MOVEMBER. Now I welcome thee Christmas music into my life. But before that, let's #TBT so some of our favorite "mustaches" of November. See if you can guess who these studly lads are.

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1. Please stay for Sunday Service.
We were so excited to see all of our out-of-towner Thomas people! Thanks for coming back and visiting us. Although playing Turkey Bowl, boba runs, food truck dates, late night Settlers, catchphrase and our new fave game HEADS UP (click to view the evidence) are all top notch fun, the one thing that can't be beat is worshipping our God together on Sunday :) It reminds me why we are family. I hope that we will always worship together as the young adult body of SVCA.

2. For away-ers
If you were not here this past Sunday... 1) We missed you 2) Please send Arthur gege ( your address so we can send some love your way :D 

3. Small Group 12/5/2013
Pastor Nancy will be leading a special topic: "Walk in the Spirit" at the Glenmoor house this Thursday. Melissa and Herman will be leading worship, David and Hao will be cleaning. Dinner starts at 7 PM, Bible Study begins at 8 PM. Please reply to me only if you are NOT coming. If you need the address, please reply to me only. 

4. December is the Month of Praise.
I had a blessed time reading last month's Thanksgiving verses. Let the blessings continue into December by learning how to PRAISE God, through the good and the bad. Brother Chi-cheng will be blogging (our church is so high tech! My mom doesn't even know how to use a webcam) all the verses for December aqui.

5. Thomas Gospel Meeting - Saturday 12/21/13
Jesus is the reason for the season! Share the good news of Jesus with your friends at our gospel meeting led by our very own Kevin Tung. Our group never plans anything in advanced so YOU KNOW this will be good! Please be on the look-out for opportunities to serve! Let's be done with the attitude of "I'll do it if no one else does it" and start saying "God is worth it!".

6. SVCA New Years Conference; Equip the Saints for Work of Ministry - 1/3/2014 - 1/5/2014
Start signing up for the conference next Sunday. Hot pot + prayer + transformation = a good new years! 

7. Thomas Blog -
Just a reminder that we have a Blog dedicated to Thomas group that is "updated" (and I use that term quite loosely) by our at home Thomas.  This blog was started with the hope of encouraging each other bymarking down our major milestones God is taking us through at the present time. If you would like to post and share what God is doing in your life, just let me know and I'll add you on as a contributor.

8. Need prayer? Send them our way!
Please please please, let us pray for you!! You can reply back to our weekly Thomas announcements and our home team is committed to praying for you during our weekly Bible Study on Thursdays and during our Newman Disciple group on Sundays. Give us a chance to bless you this week! :D