Monday, December 9, 2013

SVCA Thomas Announcement 12/9/13

16 days until CHRISTMAS!! :) Hope everyone is excited and if we pressure her enough, maybe Jocelyn will make us some of her baked goodies!

Hollering at Mrs. Virginia "Mochi mama"  Ng & Jocelyn "jojo" Chen. Happy Birthday! We jump for joy because you guys are in our lives. No need to mask who you are, because we love you for you.

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12/12/13 - Small Group. Pastor Nancy, David, Johnny and Hao will be leading us in a review of Peter. Please bring your sermon notes for review. Josh will be leading us in worship. Melissa and Jaclyn will be cleaning. Free dinner starts at 7 PM, Bible Study starts at 8 PM. Like always, please be accountable to our group and excuse yourself if you cannot attend! :) Gracious.

12/15/13- English Service begins at 9:30 AM in the El Shaddai room. Come quiet your hearts in prayer at 9:15 AM.

12/21/13 - SAVE THE DATE for our Thomas Christmas Outreach.Jesus is the reason for the season! Share the good news of Jesus with your friends at our gospel meeting led by our very own Kevin Tung. Our group never plans anything in advanced so YOU KNOW this will be good! This is so special that it deserves a separate email. Look out for the details and info later this week.

12/27/13 - SAVE THE DATE NUMERO DOS. Thomas Christmas party will be on this Friday, in place of Thursday small group. Still working out the details, but if you're in town, reserve the date for potluck, games, Christmas karaoke, White Elephant etc. This deserves it's own separate email too so look out for that!

12/31/13 - Annual Year-End ThanksgivingPrayer and Unlimited Hot Pot. Yes, that's right you read it right. Prayer. :)

1/3/14 - 1/4/14 - SVCA New Years Conference; Equip the Saints for Work of Ministry. Start signing up for the conference next Sunday. prayer + transformation = a good new years!

December is the Month of Praise.
I had a blessed time reading last month's Thanksgiving verses. Let the blessings continue into December by learning how to PRAISE God, through the good and the bad. Brother Chi-cheng will be blogging (our church is so high tech! My mom doesn't even know how to use a webcam) all the verses for December aqui.

For away-ers
If you were not here this past Sunday... 1) We missed you 2) Please send Arthur gege ( your address so we can send some love your way :D 

Just a reminder that we have a Blog dedicated to Thomas group that is "updated" (and I use that term quite loosely) by our at home Thomas.  This blog was started with the hope of encouraging each other bymarking down our major milestones God is taking us through at the present time. If you would like to post and share what God is doing in your life, just let me know and I'll add you on as a contributor.

Need prayer? Send them our way!
Please please please, let us pray for you!! You can reply back to our weekly Thomas announcements and our home team is committed to praying for you during our weekly Bible Study on Thursdays and during our Newman Disciple group on Sundays. Give us a chance to bless you this week! :D

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thomas Announcements 12/2/2013

Welcome to DECEMBER!!

I feel like it was just yesterday when I was writing about MOVEMBER. Now I welcome thee Christmas music into my life. But before that, let's #TBT so some of our favorite "mustaches" of November. See if you can guess who these studly lads are.

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1. Please stay for Sunday Service.
We were so excited to see all of our out-of-towner Thomas people! Thanks for coming back and visiting us. Although playing Turkey Bowl, boba runs, food truck dates, late night Settlers, catchphrase and our new fave game HEADS UP (click to view the evidence) are all top notch fun, the one thing that can't be beat is worshipping our God together on Sunday :) It reminds me why we are family. I hope that we will always worship together as the young adult body of SVCA.

2. For away-ers
If you were not here this past Sunday... 1) We missed you 2) Please send Arthur gege ( your address so we can send some love your way :D 

3. Small Group 12/5/2013
Pastor Nancy will be leading a special topic: "Walk in the Spirit" at the Glenmoor house this Thursday. Melissa and Herman will be leading worship, David and Hao will be cleaning. Dinner starts at 7 PM, Bible Study begins at 8 PM. Please reply to me only if you are NOT coming. If you need the address, please reply to me only. 

4. December is the Month of Praise.
I had a blessed time reading last month's Thanksgiving verses. Let the blessings continue into December by learning how to PRAISE God, through the good and the bad. Brother Chi-cheng will be blogging (our church is so high tech! My mom doesn't even know how to use a webcam) all the verses for December aqui.

5. Thomas Gospel Meeting - Saturday 12/21/13
Jesus is the reason for the season! Share the good news of Jesus with your friends at our gospel meeting led by our very own Kevin Tung. Our group never plans anything in advanced so YOU KNOW this will be good! Please be on the look-out for opportunities to serve! Let's be done with the attitude of "I'll do it if no one else does it" and start saying "God is worth it!".

6. SVCA New Years Conference; Equip the Saints for Work of Ministry - 1/3/2014 - 1/5/2014
Start signing up for the conference next Sunday. Hot pot + prayer + transformation = a good new years! 

7. Thomas Blog -
Just a reminder that we have a Blog dedicated to Thomas group that is "updated" (and I use that term quite loosely) by our at home Thomas.  This blog was started with the hope of encouraging each other bymarking down our major milestones God is taking us through at the present time. If you would like to post and share what God is doing in your life, just let me know and I'll add you on as a contributor.

8. Need prayer? Send them our way!
Please please please, let us pray for you!! You can reply back to our weekly Thomas announcements and our home team is committed to praying for you during our weekly Bible Study on Thursdays and during our Newman Disciple group on Sundays. Give us a chance to bless you this week! :D

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Our Prayer Requests 2/2

Hi my friends. Sorry it took me a week to post these! Some of these have updated statuses. Keep praying though, even your 1-minute prayers really can change the course of our situations!

Driving test last Friday. (She updated me that she didn't pass, but it's OK! The person who was teaching her was a little mean and had a soft voice so she couldn't hear his directions. But we're hoping she gets a new teacher.)
Her parents are buying a new house. It's a tough market out there, but as always God will provide.

Job interview last Friday. (It went really well! They seem to all like him, and the work culture there is so much better than where he's at now. They've called him in for a 2nd interview, just tryna schedule it in!)

Was gonna pull an all-nighter last Wednesday. (I don't know why I convince myself I can still do these. I've learned that no matter how strong a coffee is, if I'm tired then I can't fight it. And there's no such thing as "just closing my eyes for 5 minutes".)

Was about to get sick. (He and Virginia both ended up getting really sick and had to miss work. You know it's really bad when you gotta miss church too!.There is something going around! Take dem Emergen-C's) 

School has been really tough on him. It's no fun at all. He's having to balance this on top of work and ministry, and it takes a lot of effort from him each week. He's not sure if this major is what he wants to do. Pray that He will know God's guiding presence each moment each day.

Hasn't been able to sleep very well lately. She also found out that her job at Any Mountain was only seasonal, so she's trying to decide if she should take this opportunity to rest and focus on school, or keep looking for a job so she has income.   

Still looking for a new job. It has been a while now, and it can be discouraging to feel stuck at a job you have to go to every day. But let's pray that he keeps trusting that God will open up some doors and show His faithfulness. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A walk around the building with God

[Today I spent time with God in the morning. Wrote stuff in my journal that I'm pretty sure He's trying to tell me from Numbers 9-12, today's reading. It didn't make sense at the time. I'm afraid my time with Him is becoming routine when there is no life to what I read in His Word. It has become "doing devotions", a term I don't like at all...when I exclusively spend time with my husband, I don't call it "doing marriage", I call it "date night", so why does spending time with God need to sound so robotic and impersonal? Side rant. Even if no one reads this anymore, thought I'd share what I wrote in my journal when I finally gave God a chance to speak by stopping what I was doing which seemed so important, my homework. Took a walk around the building and let Him turn His WORD from this morning's passage into words straight into my life.]

"Following you where you lead and stopping where you stop is FREEDOM. Right now CONTROL defines my life. I need to know ahead of time what plans are. I try to change others myself. I compartmentalize everything - my time, my roles, my relationships, even my relationship with you gets put in a box. 'God time is @ 6 am and 10 pm.' Today you said that praise and worship to you is ALWAYS deserve it.

My need to control is out of fear of being irresponsible and disorganized. It's an "unproductive busyness", day after day of catching up on tasks that I still didn't get done. Some, after almost a year of being put off! (hello, thank you cards.) So if my control isn't working, it's not producing fruit, hence it's REALLY unproductive and points to the real issue. It's beyond me, so really I'm trying to control what's out of my control. If plans just so happen to change, not cool. How can I ever live in faith like this?

So this is where you REIGN in all your glory. I know it seems like a minor issue, compared to Christ in all His fullness, but Christ in His fullness is Christ being all and in all. Just like the song stood out to me this morning, "My heart and my soul...I give you control...Consume me from the inside out Lord..."

CONSUME ME is my prayer. That you would kill every part of me that isn't you so I can let YOUR life and YOUR Spirit reign. What I tend to make so relevant that's REALLY irrelevant are my weakness, lackings, insecurities, people's opinions, even my strengths...when what is more TRUE and REAL is your life in me through your Spirit. **My true blessings are in Jesus Christ. I now have strength to OVERCOME things I cannot myself. Your promised Spirit of the glorified Jesus Christ, in all His fullness and richness, now dwells within me.** [Taken from sermon 2/10/13] Now THAT'S REAL. THAT'S RELEVANT. THAT'S TROOF. :]

So giving up control doesn't mean being irresponsible and disorganized. It's turning to you in all things to take control. And that includes my husband. I trust that you will be the one to overcome the bondages in our lives, in our marriage. You overcome my need to nag and tell him what's right/wrong, good/bad, what he should/shouldn't do because ultimately you have the power. As you said today, "Is the Lord's arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you" (Numbers 11:23). And you always prove yourself true and right.

Ultimately it is YOU who will fight our battles. I'm not in this alone, even though it feels that way sometimes. (I feel ya, Moses.) It's a beautiful thing to be KNOWN by you. You know what's really going on in my deepest thoughts and in my heart. You even know the pain that's long been buried. I never need to explain myself. You just know. You are with me and you don't leave me alone. You even send me people in my life, although they don't compare to your unconditionality in love, mercy, and grace.

It is you who will show me that TRUE FREEDOM is not holding back. Since you know me inside and out, why should I hold back from you with other people? You've shown me that humility, true humility, has nothing to do with my place in comparison with people. It has everything to do with YOU. This relationship with you. If I know my place before you, I'll definitely know my place before people, especially those you've called me to lead.

That's another area to to learn from you. To learn how to follow your lead in my ministry. I think I am, but how can I when I limit it to the office, on Tu-Fri, @ 9 am, and maybe 3 pm if I'm not busy at the time? But this is really the lightest burden to carry, as long as I understand my role and place before you. Of course you are in the business of putting your Spirit upon your church! I'm just your assistant, the little Joshua of Moses who doesn't know any better. I ain't no expert. Sometimes I wish I didn't have the "youth experience" background so people don't put that pressure on me, or I put on myself. I'm sure you just don't think about them twice a day. That's another thing that makes this job unique - it's not a 9-5 job even though it looks like it. (I trust you will show me the boundaries too right? But I'm nowhere near there!) My desire is not to treat this job as: "showing the parents/church what I can bring to this ministry", but rather: "I wish that all the Lord's people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!" (Numbers 11:29)

So in my desire to receive true blessings from you and being transformed in the fullness of Jesus Christ, let me remember to BE a blessing by turning to you as the true Redeemer and Savior in all my relationships.

Turning to you in all things is TRUE REST and FREEDOM. I didn't realize the fullness of this truth until I took time to walk with you today. There's a reason why you spoke to me about this, and I never would've discovered it if I didn't take time to listen to you."

[Today's topic on Oswald Chambers' "Utmost": "The Discipline of Hearing"]

"The goal of my spiritual life is such close identification with Jesus Christ that I will always hear God and know that God always hears me. If I am united with Jesus Christ, I hear God all the time through the devotion of hearing. A flower, a tree, or a servant of God may convey God's message to me. What hinders me from hearing is my attention to other things....
If I have not developed and nurtured this devotion of hearing, I can only hear God's voice at certain time. At other times, I become deaf to Him because my attention is to other things - things which I think I must do..."

[So if you've gotten this far, thanks for letting me share my journal entry with you, a very personal part of me, but I pray you take time today to get your attention off of doing other things, even "doing devotions", and really take time to listen to Him. His Spirit is already in you, and you don't need to do anything more than expect to hear Him in faith. He will speak into your life the words you really needed to hear.]