STUCK IN THE MIDDLE. That's what we are - stuck in the middle of college, our careers, our church@SVCA, our cultures, our journeys. We are in our late-teens/mid-twenties and figuring life out. But while we are still stuck on this earth before our Savior Jesus returns, we live out Galatians 6:2 together - "Share each others burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ."

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Today's the day!
Tonight I was reading through Hebrews 3 with the family and we got to the verse where it says "While it is stilled called Today..." I know there was this whole series on this verse at church, but I always thought it went like "While it is still called Today read your Bible," or "be a good Christian," or even "go be a light in the world." I was surprised, however, to find that it actually goes, "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." Hebrews 3:13.
What the passage is talking about is that the Israelites fell in the desert after coming out of Egypt because they had allowed their unbelief to overcome their knowledge of who God was. Even though they had known Him their entire life, even though they had seen Him do great things, sin and doubt crept in, and their unbelief was so great that God allowed them to die in the desert without ever entering into the promised land.
The author of Hebrews tells us how to avoid making the same mistake. His solution? Encouragement. Daily encouraging one another and reminding each other of God's great love, His never-ending mercies, and His all-powerful will. Because even when we've seen the miracles or felt His presence ourselves, sometimes doubt and unbelief has a way of creeping in, particularly when we're far from our spiritual families or facing great giants. So, today, while it is still today, let's reach out to one another and encourage one another within this family. Which brother or sister in the Thomas have you not heard from in a while? Or who do you know that's struggling with something or shared something over winter break that really touched you and you want to follow up? Send someone a text to let them know you're praying for them, or shoot them a message over Facebook, or better yet, take the time to call them and leave a voice mail.
Edification and accountability, things we always ask for, yet so rarely find ourselves being willing to take the first step. Today is the day we step out and let someone else feel loved. Today is the day we fight back against the sin of unbelief with encouragement. So please, take that first step, or those 5 minutes. Now.
While it is still today.
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oooh! I like the action item. Putting our faith into works = Obedience to Him! great 1st post :)